A. Property valuation plays a pivotal role in the dynamic real estate market, offering insights into the estimated value of a property. In India, where real estate is a cornerstone investment, property valuation holds immense significance. It aids property owners in determining appropriate selling or rental prices and holds vital importance in legal and financial spheres, encompassing taxation, mortgages, insurance, and legal disputes. This blog delves into the realm of property valuation under Indian law, shedding light on its importance, methodologies, and legal implications. B. Commercial properties are instrumental in shaping the landscape of the Indian real estate market, offering enticing investment prospects for individuals and businesses alike. An in-depth comprehension of commercial property returns and their valuation within the ambit of Indian legal frameworks is pivotal for informed investment choices. This article delves into the intricate aspects of commercial property investment, returns, and valuation, all within the context of Indian regulations. C. Plant and machinery valuation refer to finding the market value of all plant and machinery assets used in manufacturing and distributing goods and services by a business. D. Valuation of shares is the process of knowing the value of a company's shares. Share valuation is done based on quantitative techniques and share value will vary depending on the market demand and supply. The share price of the listed companies which are traded publicly can be known easily.